Amber’s 13th birthday

By Amber Lewis

For the 4th year, for my birthday I'm asking people who would like to get me a birthday present to help me support Wayside Chapel either as part of or instead of a present .

Wayside Chapel is a charity very close to my heart, and my family’s, that we have supported for many years. They provide love and support to the marginalised and disadvantaged of our community.

At Wayside, they see everyone as a person to be met, not a problem to be solved. I am proud to contribute to their work and I hope you are too! 

Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Support Wayside On My Birthday


Avelina Bana



Karyn Mcintosh

Happy birthday amber ❤️❤️❤️ Amelie


Your Family ❤️

Love that you do this for people in need 🙏💕 Love, Mum, Dad, Jack, Bindi & Millie 😍


Kiara Brown

Happy Birthday Amber!


Qiana Lee Joisce

Happy birthday love ❤️