Ju's 50+1 birthday give back

By Judith Treanor

This year for my birthday, I'm acknowledging how charmed my life is, and that I don't want for anything materialistically.

But I feel strongly as a humanitarian about giving back, and looking out for the most vulnerable in our community. That's why I am asking for you to help me support Wayside Chapel.

Wayside Chapel is a charity very close to my heart, that I have supported for many years. They provide love and support to the marginalised and disadvantaged of our community.

At Wayside, they see everyone as a person to be met, not a problem to be solved. I am proud to contribute to their work and I hope you are too! 

Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Support Wayside On My Birthday


Jo & Marcel

Birthday Blessings sweet soul. x


Moira Hawker

A great cause, Judith! Happy Birthday!


Marcelo Ulvert

Love ya babe xx


Scott And Hayley Laycock

Happy birthday ju. Love your work. X


Tracey Moore


Fiona Karslake

Have a fabulous birthday !!


Jordan & Amy

Happy birthday Judith !! Glad we can donate to such a great cause.


Mr Aaron Macarthur


Sandra And Paul Schell And Turnell

Happy Birthday to my beautiful and über stylish yoga buddy. Wishing you lots of love on your birthday 🥳


Emma Thompson


Sacred By Design


Deborah Hannon

Wayside - way to go!


Patricia Lyon

Happy 50+1 Judith! Well done for making a difference in this last year or so. Take care of yourself - don’t burn out. We need you for another 50 years!


Vivienne Rose Diamond

Happy birthday beautiful soul Judith. Wishing you blessings of love, bliss, peace, and excellent health today and always. May we feel gratitude in our hearts for being a part of one of the truest, purest artists and musicians, Prince xox


Mum & Paul

Happy Birthday- with love


Paul & Babs

Happy Birthday! Big hugs from us


Michelle F

Happy belated 50th, love this idea 💝 Yeh🌺Nah 😘😘


Scott Lawrence

Happy Birthday and thanks for supporting such a great cause!



Happy Birthday Judith!


Rachel Dunne


Judith Treanor


Rj Milett